Physeo | 2021 | Video Lectures | Free Download | April 2021 |

Links Update on: 14th Aug 2021

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89 thoughts on “Physeo | 2021 | Video Lectures | Free Download | April 2021 |”

  1. Before I complain, I will say to you Thank you for your effort and work. You are Hero ⚖
    Your Content is very Great, But there is one Big issue.. Link issues, it floats side by side always, Not stick in one position, Can’t see the text or image below, Very bold, Not have a color suitable the background of the Videos.

    This is not in only in physeo section, but most of the content. Also in books; with center, ever Ninj. notes.

    Please take off or make something better than this 🙏🏽

    Plz Consider Our request, I’m talking with the mouth of all people that visit this site in everyday.


  2. This site is Amazing!.
    I make a request: plz Take off the link floating inside video, You can’t see at certain points the text below it and it distracts you for the lecture, if it is impossible to do, Plz make a fix in one point off the text .

    Thanks You Very Much From deep of my heart.

    Best regard.

  3. The site is Amazing. Thank you!
    Can I make one request? I saw that the link for Pixorise in the EXTRA section is expired. Would you be able to update it?
    Thank you again!

  4. Salam jazakallah khayr for providing a platform through which we can download videos or else we wouldnt be able of afford to pay in dollars!!!

    can you please upload sketchy micro and pharma videos also physeo micro lecture video!
    I am literally unable to find sketchy anywhere.

  5. Helo Saito,,,,,thanks so much,,,am so grateful for this work…
    I kindly request you add physeo pdfs for microbiology,,anatomy,,pharmacology,,and pathology please
    May God continue blessing you

  6. Thank you so much sir, even though i have physeo account but i dont know for some reason the vidoes are so slow and only playable in low quality so i prefer downloading em through your website, but one suggestion i have, if you could make that red moving watermark smaller and static, trust me it always shifts my attention when it moves around, its in immunology section, thanks again.

  7. Hello, could you please kindly share the anking V10 deck with pixorize and physeo images?
    If you have them of course
    These decks where removed after V8 of Anking

  8. Hi, first of all, thank you so much!!! You totally save my ass!

    As of August 12, the megashare links dont seem to work as it said the folder link you’re trying to access is no longer available. Is there a way you can fix them?

    Thank you again!

    • Hello, and thank you for taking the time to upload the Physeo video lectures. I greatly appreciate you effort. However, I would kindly request you to upload the PDF slides for the remaining videos including Biochemistry, Biostatistics, Embryology, Immunology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Psychiatry, Public Health, Pulmonology and Immunodeficiencies. Thank you.

  9. God bless, they ordered to remove all the images from *public* anki deck Anking and have them as premium on their website, would be very very thankful if you can access the images anki deck.

  10. Cardiology ATF : Section IV – Pressure-Volume Loops.mp4 after 26:25 the audio cuts off – also gives an error message :(((. Are you able to fix this by chance? Thank you for this wonderful resource

  11. Thank you sir for the great material, I have been checking this page daily waiting for the Embryology lectures. Please upload em asap

    Big thanks


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